Medicina nei Secoli focuses upon medical museums
The international journal Medicina nei Secoli (Medicine in the Centuries) just published an issue focusing upon the educational role of medical museums around the world, from Hong Kong to London, and from Johannesburg to Uppsala. This issue of Medicina nei Secoli (Vol. 21, No. 1, 2009) features twenty-three essays, with particularly interesting contributions by Thomas Schnalke (Charité, Berlin), Almut Grüner (Thackray Museum, Leeds), Maggie Reilly and Stuart McDonald (Hunterian Museum, Glasgow), and Chloé Pirson (Musée de la medécine, Brussels). (You can download and read the Dittrick essay on our website.) All in all, this publication deserves wide circulation within the medical museum community. Copies may be had by contacting the editor, Luciana R. Angeletti at or by writing to Sezione di Storia della Medicine Viale dell’Universita 34/A 000185 Roma, Italia or faxing to 39 (06) 4451721
Cool! I'll have to get a copy. Is it all in English like your article? I've often thought an edited volume on the history of medical museums would be interesting.